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DevLab: A place for experiencing new ideas for charts

The new “DevLab” section in BStreams charts allows data visualization enthusiasts to present their complex data in more engaging and interesting ways.

BStreams introduced recently Devlab, as a laboratory to test new ideas for charts and data visualization. The DevLab serves as a bridge between BStreams and data visualization community, enabling all the users with novel charting options that are rare and unique on their own.

The idea behind the development of the DevLab

BStreams acknowledges the valuable contributions made by the data visualization community and customers, recognizing that the best ideas often arise from their collaboration. To foster these ideas and bring new charts to life, BStreams has introduced the DevLab, a dedicated space designed to empower and support innovation.

Through the DevLab, BStreams is not only showcasing dedication to innovation but also fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By providing a dedicated space for ideation, experimentation, and development, BStreams demonstrates its commitment to staying at the forefront of the data visualization field. BStreams remains a leading provider of state-of-the-art solutions that meet the ever-changing needs of its customers and the data visualization community at large.

Voting system: An approach for measure the demands 

All the embedded charts within the DevLab have been equipped with a comprehensive voting system, aimed at discerning the most useful and practical charts for the future of data visualization at BStreams and within the broader data visualization community. Through this system, users are provided with the opportunity to cast their votes for their preferred charts, enabling BStreams to enhance and incorporate the highest-voted chart into the primary dashboard area. It is worth noting that the charts housed within the DevLab do not possess access to the standard features already available in all other BStreams charts and graphs. This intentional limitation is in place to maintain the DevLab as a dedicated laboratory for experimentation and the exploration of novel ideas.

What is inside of the DevLab?

By now there are three charts available in the DevLab:

  • Parallel set
  • Radial stacked 
  • Voice map

At the heart of the DevLab lie the ideas and charts that emanate from you, the community. Thus, we encourage you to reach out and share your innovative ideas with us. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with you to bring your visionary concepts to life.

The Parallel set chart is particularly adept at illustrating intricate relationships between multiple criteria. It excels at demonstrating the intricate interplay among various factors. On the other hand, the Radial stacked chart allows for the comprehensive comparison of diverse metrics, presented in the form of circular shapes. It facilitates a comprehensive understanding of numeric values pertaining to a specific topic. Last but not least, the Voice map is an extraordinary tool that empowers users to communicate, interact, and navigate a customizable map effortlessly. This hands-free functionality allows for a seamless exploration of different locations across the globe.

At the heart of the DevLab lie the ideas and charts that emanate from you, the community. Thus, we encourage you to reach out and share your innovative ideas with us. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with you to bring your visionary concepts to life.